Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lollipop Clouds

I haven't had a chance to Blog in a while. Things have been busy and last Saturday our dog was diagnosed with a Mast Cell Tumor. She is going to have it surgically removed on Thursday. :( A few weeks ago I was explaining to my son the rain cycle, in simple terms. When I was done telling him that when the rain in the clouds gets too heavy, it drops the rain he looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and said "Lollipop clouds!" I laughed and said that although that is a great idea there are no clouds that drop lollipops everywhere. :) A couple of nights ago he came up with a new game and was cracking himself up playing it with me. He'll say "Eat" and then a food name and then he'll take pretend bites from my hand or my cheek.